
About Me

Experience You Can Count On


As an MBA graduate from the University of the West Scotland, Alican Altuncu offers sourcing services in fashion and textiles industry. Thanks to the years he spent in Turkey, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan from 2011 to 2018 with his family during which he gained experience and insight into the different job functions in the textile industry and thus got first-hand experience and soft skills such as communication, leadership and teamwork. 

He worked in sales, marketing, operations, human resourses, purchasing, finance and accounting departments in his family owned Iskovuttex (a spinning mill in Uzbekistan), Bagat Textiles (a spinning and knitting mill in Uzbekistan), Farhadtex (a spinning and knitting mill in Uzbekistan), Goldtex Finanz AG (a business consultancy and sourcing services provider firm in Switzerland and Turkey), Virtu Trade (a business consultancy and sourcing services provider firm in Russian Federation and Turkey) and in Solido (a construction chemicals production plant in Kyrgyzstan).  This gave him a broad overview of the textile business and essentially made him a well-rounded employee and eventually, a leader who understands the business well. 

He also discovered where his true talent is and eventually picked the field where he would be able to contribute the most in terms of interests and skills: Sales & Marketing/Sourcing in Fashion & Textiles. 

His master’s thesis was also on ‘Sustainability in Fashion and Textiles’.

He established himself as ‘ALC Sourcing’ -a procurement services provider and strategic sourcing consulting firm- in Manchester in 2019, and since then he is trying to support British companies in ensuring their procurement and sourcing capabilities are optimised and that they are getting the most value at the best possible prices from Turkish and Central Asian clothing manufacturers. He serves as an expansion of his clients’ existing teams, saving them time and resources by applying his experience, tools, cross-country and industry best practices, and peronalised solutions. His services cover a wide range of activities from sourcing to quality control and shipping. 

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My sourcing services are designed  to empower your team and company. Talk to me today about how I can support your growth, and put you on a solid track to success and profit in Turkey and Central Asia.

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